Monday, October 21, 2024

Command Design Pattern using lambda expression

 Command design pattern: The main concept of command pattern is how the command will be executed that process is encapsulated in a class . So the the process will be hide into that class.

Command :  Command object knows about receiver and call a method of receiver.

Receiver:  Who receives command and acts based on that command;

Invoker: Who only have reference of command interface . Who does not know about the implementation of the command . 

Client: It hold all the list of command. Just invoke to the invoker whatever need .



public interface Command {
    void execute();

public class OnCommand implements Command {
    private Tv tv;
    public OnCommand(Tv tv) { = tv;
    public void execute() {

 public class OffCommand implements Command {
    private Tv tv;
    public OffCommand(Tv tv) { = tv;
    public void execute() {


public class RemoteControl {
    private List<Command> history = new ArrayList<>();
    public void press(Command command) {


public class TvClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Tv tv = new Tv();

        Command onCommand = new OnCommand(tv);

        Command offCommand = new OffCommand(tv);
        RemoteControl remote = new RemoteControl();;;

Here command interface has  one abstract method. So we can use lambda expression here . so no need to create OnCommand and OffCommand class .

public class TvClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Tv tv = new Tv();
        RemoteControl remote = new RemoteControl(); - > switchOn); -> switchOff);


we can replace it using method reference also ,

public class TvClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Tv tv = new Tv();
        RemoteControl remote = new RemoteControl(); switchOn); switchOff);


Sunday, October 6, 2024

What is lamda expression and how it solve real world problem?

 A lambda expression is the representation of anonymous function(function that doesn't have any function name)lambda expression is key feature of functional programming. Functional programming is followed by declarative programming approach . 

Declarative programming: Declarative programming is a programming approach where main focus is on what is need but not how to do .

Now lets have an example where we want to filter Contact information based on certain criteria .





public class Contact {
    public enum Gender {
        MALE, FEMALE
    private String name;
    private String email;
    private int age;
    private Gender gender;
    public Contact(String name, String email, int age, Gender gender) { = name; = email;
        this.age = age;
        this.gender = gender;

Now we want to filter those contact whose age is greater than 18 and less than 25 and gender MALE. 

So what can we do ?

Ans: We can create a ContactFilterService class that will filter and return filtered contacts.

public class ContactFilterService {
public List<Contact> findContactsAgeBetween18to25AndMale(List<Contact> contacts) {
List<Contact> filteredContacts = new ArrayList<>();
for (Contact contact : contacts) {
      if (18 <= contact.getAge() && contact.getAge() <= 25
       && contact.getGender() == Gender.MALE) {
    return filteredContacts;

Now I want to filter contacts where age is age is greater than 18 and less than 25 and gender FEMALE.

So we can can create another method to do that . 

But ContactFilterService growing , because in every need we are creating new methods and we are duplicating code.

We can create a generic method in ContactFilterService class that only check the condition .

We don't want to modify this class every time . We want to pass the filter logic from outside of the class .

lets do that,


 public interface FilterCriteria {
    boolean match(Contact contact);



public class ContactFilterService {

    public List<Contact> filter(List<Contact> contacts, FilterCriteria criteria) {
        List<Contact> filteredContacts = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Contact contact : contacts) {
            if (criteria.match(contact)) {
        return filteredContacts;



 public class MainApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

     Contact contact1 = new Contact("rupta", "", 25, Contact.Gender.FEMALE);
        Contact contact2 = new Contact("asik", "", 30, Contact.Gender.MALE);
        Contact contact3 = new Contact("ruhul", "", 22, Contact.Gender.MALE);
        Contact contact4 = new Contact("nusrat", "", 31,                                           Contact.Gender.FEMALE);
        List<Contact> contacts = Arrays.asList(contact1, contact2, contact3, contact4);
        ContactFilterService contactFilterService = new ContactFilterService();

         List<Contact> filterdList = contactFilterService.filter(contacts, new FilterCriteria() {
            public boolean match(Contact contact) {    
                if(18 <= contact.getAge() && contact.getAge() <= 25) {
                    return true;
                return false;



 Here we are just passing our logic into ContactFilterService filter() method.

So we no need to create new method every time .

 Now we have solved one problem but we still implementing anonymous inner class as boilerplate code.

every time we are writing new FilterCriteria() and @Override and return type of the function.

So here we can pass lambda expression. 

lets refactor our code,

 List<Contact> filterdList = contactFilterService.filter(contacts, (Contact contact) -> {
            return 18 <= contact.getAge() && contact.getAge() <= 25;

Here lamda expression,

(Contact contact) -> {
            return 18 <= contact.getAge() && contact.getAge() <= 25;

But think in mind ,

Lambda expression will apply in Functional Interface only . 

A functional interface only have one abstract method.

The type of lambda expression is functional interface(interface that has at least an abstract method).

The target type of the lambda expression is functional interface .


Fluent interface pattern

 public class UserConfigurationManager {     private String userName;     private String password;     private UserConfigurationManager() { ...